Monday, September 20, 2010

Possible book for critical analysis podcast...

For my Critical analysis podcast, I am strongly thinking of speaking about the book Black Like Kyra, White Like Me. In this book, a young white girl has her first encounter with racism, witnessing the way her family, friends and neighbors treat her new friend Kyra when she moves in next door.  Kyra and her family are black, and at first, the new neighborhood they moved to (which was supposed to be safer) was not welcoming or accepting of them.  Christy, the young white narrator, becomes overwhelmed, frustrated and sad by the way people treat Kyra and her family.  Her young age and accepting personality makes it hard for her to understand why people use violence and are angry about the new family moving in, and she openly asks her parents and Kyra's family about this.  Once the issue is spoken about and the two families meet and become friendly, the prejudices slowly fade away.  Christy learns that some people cannot accept those who are different from them, like her other two best friends (who eventually moved away), but other people can look beyond the color differences and see a person for who they are on the inside.  Within this book, issues of race are at the center, but family values, relationships and violence are also addressed.  I want to explore the specific wording used by the author to describe these events, as well as read the book from a child's perspective.


  1. I love how you relate so much to this book. I think you have a great direction with this project and I am so happy to see someone focusing on racial and gender issues. Would it have been the same for boys if they played on a sports team together? Would the families have reacted differently then? I can't wait to hear your podcast.

  2. I agree with Gabi. It also seems to me that with this post you have begun crafting your script. So now it's a matter of unpacking the ideas you have presented. Thanks.
